97 research outputs found

    Uncovering metabolic pathways relevant to phenotypic traits of microbial genomes

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    A new machine learning-based method is presented here for the identification of metabolic pathways related to specific phenotypes in multiple microbial genomes

    The PEDANT genome database in 2005

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    The PEDANT genome database (http://pedant.gsf.de) contains pre-computed bioinformatics analyses of publicly available genomes. Its main mission is to provide robust automatic annotation of the vast majority of amino acid sequences, which have not been subjected to in-depth manual curation by human experts in high-quality protein sequence databases. By design PEDANT annotation is genome-oriented, making it possible to explore genomic context of gene products, and evaluate functional and structural content of genomes using a category-based query mechanism. At present, the PEDANT database contains exhaustive annotation of over 1 240 000 proteins from 270 eubacterial, 23 archeal and 41 eukaryotic genomes

    SIMAP--the database of all-against-all protein sequence similarities and annotations with new interfaces and increased coverage

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    The Similarity Matrix of Proteins (SIMAP, http://mips.gsf.de/simap/) database has been designed to massively accelerate computationally expensive protein sequence analysis tasks in bioinformatics. It provides pre-calculated sequence similarities interconnecting the entire known protein sequence universe, complemented by pre-calculated protein features and domains, similarity clusters and functional annotations. SIMAP covers all major public protein databases as well as many consistently re-annotated metagenomes from different repositories. As of September 2013, SIMAP contains >163 million proteins corresponding to ∼70 million non-redundant sequences. SIMAP uses the sensitive FASTA search heuristics, the Smith–Waterman alignment algorithm, the InterPro database of protein domain models and the BLAST2GO functional annotation algorithm. SIMAP assists biologists by facilitating the interactive exploration of the protein sequence universe. Web-Service and DAS interfaces allow connecting SIMAP with any other bioinformatic tool and resource. All-against-all protein sequence similarity matrices of project-specific protein collections are generated on request. Recent improvements allow SIMAP to cover the rapidly growing sequenced protein sequence universe. New Web-Service interfaces enhance the connectivity of SIMAP. Novel tools for interactive extraction of protein similarity networks have been added. Open access to SIMAP is provided through the web portal; the portal also contains instructions and links for software access and flat file downloads

    MPact: the MIPS protein interaction resource on yeast

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    In recent years, the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS) yeast protein–protein interaction (PPI) dataset has been used in numerous analyses of protein networks and has been called a gold standard because of its quality and comprehensiveness [H. Yu, N. M. Luscombe, H. X. Lu, X. Zhu, Y. Xia, J. D. Han, N. Bertin, S. Chung, M. Vidal and M. Gerstein (2004) Genome Res., 14, 1107–1118]. MPact and the yeast protein localization catalog provide information related to the proximity of proteins in yeast. Beside the integration of high-throughput data, information about experimental evidence for PPIs in the literature was compiled by experts adding up to 4300 distinct PPIs connecting 1500 proteins in yeast. As the interaction data is a complementary part of CYGD, interactive mapping of data on other integrated data types such as the functional classification catalog [A. Ruepp, A. Zollner, D. Maier, K. Albermann, J. Hani, M. Mokrejs, I. Tetko, U. Güldener, G. Mannhaupt, M. Münsterkötter and H. W. Mewes (2004) Nucleic Acids Res., 32, 5539–5545] is possible. A survey of signaling proteins and comparison with pathway data from KEGG demonstrates that based on these manually annotated data only an extensive overview of the complexity of this functional network can be obtained in yeast. The implementation of a web-based PPI-analysis tool allows analysis and visualization of protein interaction networks and facilitates integration of our curated data with high-throughput datasets. The complete dataset as well as user-defined sub-networks can be retrieved easily in the standardized PSI-MI format. The resource can be accessed through

    FGDB: a comprehensive fungal genome resource on the plant pathogen Fusarium graminearum

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    The MIPS Fusarium graminearum Genome Database (FGDB) is a comprehensive genome database on one of the most devastating fungal plant pathogens of wheat and barley. FGDB provides information on two gene sets independently derived by automated annotation of the F.graminearum genome sequence. A complete manually revised gene set will be completed within the near future. The initial results of systematic manual correction of gene calls are already part of the current gene set. The database can be accessed to retrieve information from bioinformatics analyses and functional classifications of the proteins. The data are also organized in the well established MIPS catalogs and novel query techniques are available to search the data. The comprehensive set of gene calls was also used for the design of an Affymetrix GeneChip. The resource is accessible on

    Spatiotemporal Expression Control Correlates with Intragenic Scaffold Matrix Attachment Regions (S/MARs) in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Scaffold/matrix attachment regions (S/MARs) are essential for structural organization of the chromatin within the nucleus and serve as anchors of chromatin loop domains. A significant fraction of genes in Arabidopsis thaliana contains intragenic S/MAR elements and a significant correlation of S/MAR presence and overall expression strength has been demonstrated. In this study, we undertook a genome scale analysis of expression level and spatiotemporal expression differences in correlation with the presence or absence of genic S/MAR elements. We demonstrate that genes containing intragenic S/MARs are prone to pronounced spatiotemporal expression regulation. This characteristic is found to be even more pronounced for transcription factor genes. Our observations illustrate the importance of S/MARs in transcriptional regulation and the role of chromatin structural characteristics for gene regulation. Our findings open new perspectives for the understanding of tissue- and organ-specific regulation of gene expression

    PEDANT genome database: 10 years online

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    The PEDANT genome database provides exhaustive annotation of 468 genomes by a broad set of bioinformatics algorithms. We describe recent developments of the PEDANT Web server. The all-new Graphical User Interface (GUI) implemented in Java™ allows for more efficient navigation of the genome data, extended search capabilities, user customization and export facilities. The DNA and Protein viewers have been made highly dynamic and customizable. We also provide Web Services to access the entire body of PEDANT data programmatically. Finally, we report on the application of association rule mining for automatic detection of potential annotation errors. PEDANT is freely accessible to academic users at

    PEDANT covers all complete RefSeq genomes

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    The PEDANT genome database provides exhaustive annotation of nearly 3000 publicly available eukaryotic, eubacterial, archaeal and viral genomes with more than 4.5 million proteins by a broad set of bioinformatics algorithms. In particular, all completely sequenced genomes from the NCBI's Reference Sequence collection (RefSeq) are covered. The PEDANT processing pipeline has been sped up by an order of magnitude through the utilization of precalculated similarity information stored in the similarity matrix of proteins (SIMAP) database, making it possible to process newly sequenced genomes immediately as they become available. PEDANT is freely accessible to academic users at http://pedant.gsf.de. For programmatic access Web Services are available at http://pedant.gsf.de/webservices.jsp